Danielle Smith - Timeline

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June 16, 2021: Smith says Canada 'doesn't work' and cites a tweet saying that people living in the Quebec City-Windsor corridor is what is 'wrong' with Canada's democracy
June 16, 2021: Smith says discussions about race and privilege undermines individual rights and freedoms, which Smith says were championed by Ayn Rand. Smith cites a quote by Charles Murray warning of a 'push back' from white people. Murray is also author of The Bell Curve.
June 15, 2021: Smith says Calgary Police, prosecutors, Deena Hinshaw and AHS employees ('thugs') are charging Tim Stephens for no reason other than to hurt Jason Kenney politically
June 12, 2021: Smith endorses Florida's ban of critical race theory, calling it 'poisonous', claims Alberta has been a 'meritocracy' from the 'start'.
June 11, 2021: Smith says the arrest of Maxime Bernier is 'bats[hit]'
June 8, 2021: Smith suggests that Foothills outbreak was intentional and suggests that HCWs should be fired
June 6, 2021: Smith refers to doctors published in Edmonton Journal as 'medical overlords' that desire 'medical tyranny'
June 6, 2021: Smith suggests that COVID was a planned event foreshadowed by an emergency preparedness exercise put on by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was related to COVID pandemic, and also suggests similar exercises are suspiciously preceding cyberattacks
June 6, 2021: Smith suggests (again!) that vaccines may have caused the third wave of COVID cases
June 5, 2021: Smith says Mark Carney wants to lead a 'global totalitarian state'
June 4, 2021: Smith calls for all covid restrictions at airports to be removed
June 3, 2021: Smith is gleefully published by the University of Calgary
May 30, 2021: Smith says the residential school system was entirely a government issue.
May 27, 2021: Smith concurs when David Redman says Premier Jason Kenney and Alberta CMOH Deena Hinshaw should be held 'criminally liable' for COVID response
May 26, 2021: Smith says 'doctors should never be in charge of public policy' and says the virus will return in the fall (Smith's qualifications are a BA in English)
May 25, 2021: Smith says AHS is misleading about ICU capacity
May 24, 2021: Smith suggests that residents of Calgary and Edmonton are antisocial and do not care to visit their friends and families
May 22, 2021: Smith cites John Carpay as theologian
May 22, 2021: Smith takes antibody test, tests negative and does not indicate any surprise.
May 18, 2021: Smith declares that AHS management is a 'catastrophe', declares that the important metric is cases per square km, and declares that the 1987 tornado proves that AHS is lying about ICU capacity
May 17, 2021: Smith says she knows 'two people who have had COVID'. Months earlier, Smith's own community of High River saw several outbreaks at meat processing plants, infecting at least 7% of the town of 13,000 and killing 6 people. Smith had a daily radio show and declined to interview anyone.
May 17, 2021: Smith incorrectly says Alberta CMOH Deena Hinshaw is intentionally ignoring CDC mask guidance for the fully vaccinated. Mask mandates in Alberta were mandated in May as the fully vaccinated rate in Alberta was extremely low.
May 9, 2021: Smith says 'something else' must be done by August if COVID restrictions do not end
May 9, 2021: Smith says the facts support reopening in Canada. On this date, Alberta had a 35% first dose coverage rate.
May 8, 2021: Smith suggests veterans fought in the World War simply so they could come home and later have their lives endangered by adult babies that cannot stay out of the Tim Horton's
May 6, 2021: Smith suggests that vaccines may have caused the third wave of COVID cases
May 6, 2021: Smith suggests that Verna Yiu should be fired.
May 5, 2021: Smith says reopening should happen as Alberta has thousands of ICU beds yet to fill
May 5, 2021: Smith eagerly shares an update about her work with Trevor Tombe and Bev Dahlby.
May 4, 2021: Smith suggest Alberta covid case count is simply the result of more testing
May 3, 2021: Smith says Florida's 'focused protection' 'works'. Florida's death rate per capita as of late June 2021 is three times higher than Alberta's.
May 3, 2021: Smith uses a letter citing months old data to suggest that COVID deaths in Grand Prairie were only four. The current total is 29.
April 29, 2021: Smith endorses (again) Naomi Wolf, a person who circulates 5G conspiracy theories
April 27, 2021: Smith shares 'Stanford mask study' that isn't actually a Stanford study (Debunked in USA Today and AP weeks before)
April 21, 2021: Smith says that health system managers are incompetent at managing what is simply a capacity problem and says that restrictions do not work.
April 17, 2021: Smith demands the media put COVID risk in perspective, links to tweet that does exactly that by citing the COVID deathrate.
April 17, 2021: Smith claims flu deaths at nursing homes are not tracked
April 14, 2021: Smith says COVID death numbers are fraudulently inflated
April 12, 2021: Smith says policy cannot control viruses
April 9, 2021: Smith says restrictions are not based on science and are merely propaganda
March 31, 2021: Smith says that Alberta CMOH Deena Hinshaw guidance is wrong
March 30, 2021: Smith says 'there's no reason to believe hospitals will be overwhelmed'
March 28, 2021: Smith says restrictions will kill more people than COVID over the next half decade
March 24, 2021: Smith does a presentation with a collection of doctors with very little credibility
March 24, 2021: Smith compares public vaccination programs to the holocaust [Calgary Herald]
March 21, 2021: Smith describes anti-restriction protests as 'awesome'
March 19, 2021: Smith says rules are 'preposterous', says Chris Sky had a 'legal mask exemption' and says Sky should not have been arrested after he performatively harassed staff at a grocery store.
March 17, 2021: Smith endorses GBD and echos call that restrictions 'biggest health policy mistake in 100 years'
March 14, 2021: Smith says restrictions should not be in place as young people are at less risk of death from COVID
March 11, 2021: Smith says excess deaths are caused by restrictions, and that restrictions have killed 10 times higher than COVID deaths
March 3, 2021: Smith says Dr Seuss has been 'banned' and 'cancelled' by the 'woke', after a publisher decided on its own to not publish certain titles that included antiquated depictions of certain peoples.
March 3, 2021: Smith says they have a '10 person cohort'.
March 2, 2021: Smith says should be open to align with Texas, when Alberta's first dose rate was under 4% and Texas' was 13% (7% second dose)
March 2, 2021: Smith says should be open to align with Mississippi, when Alberta's first dose rate was under 4% and Mississippi's was 15% (7% second dose)
March 1, 2021: Smith announces noncompliance with new COVID restrictions
February 28, 2021: Smith calls Kristi Noem, a governor fighting a marijuana legalization effort approved by voters in her state, the new face of 'freedom'
February 26, 2021: Smith calls on supporters to refuse to be 'locked down because 2 doctors think we should' and call the premier's office daily to demand restrictions be removed.
February 25, 2021: Smith endorses numerous unproven COVID therapeutics
February 24, 2021: Smith calls on supporters to defy border restrictions, saying it will be challenged on charter grounds
February 23, 2021: Smith endorses Naomi Wolf, a person who circulates 5G conspiracy theories
February 8, 2021: Smith says Trudeau will fail to vaccinate 85% of the population by September 30th
February 4, 2021: Smith says people hooked up to a ventilator but no longer infectious should no longer be considered a covid hospitalization and says that covid hospitalizations are therefore overstated
January 22, 2021: Smith parrots conspiracy theory about covid case inflation due to high PCR threshold. Aside from HCWs, Alberta only tests symptomatic people anyways, meaning high PCR cycle thresholds are not likely to be a big part of the set of positive cases.
July 30, 2020: Smith cites worldwide incidence of TB as evidence that COVID will never disappear. (TB is a required vaccine for all applicants for permanent residency in USA and Canada)
July 29, 2020: Smith says masks cause carbon dioxide problem and says people do not want to uncover this truth because they are "virtue signaling"
July 29, 2020: Smith says the plastic barrier at her local grocer is sufficient worker protections
July 8, 2020: Smith says governments and public health officials cannot stop viruses
March 22, 2020: Smith claims that hydroxychloroquine is a 'cure' for COVID. Smith later deletes tweet, but maintains its success as a therapeutic, without evidence.
September 19, 2019: Smith has Bev Dahlby on to talk about the Laffer curve
March 5, 2019: Smith has Jason Kenney on to talk about how Bev Dahlby convinced him to lower corporate tax rates as Dalhby said it would create more growth
July 13, 2018: Smith endorses Seth Rich conspiracy theory
May 3, 2018: Smith has Bev Dahlby on her show to fearmonger about public debt payments made by young people
January 18, 2018: Smith has Bev Dahlby on her show to endorse a departure from federal EI program
June 28, 2017: Smith endorses Seth Rich conspiracy theory
May 16, 2017: Smith endorses Seth Rich conspiracy theory
May 9, 2017: Smith endorses Seth Rich conspiracy theory
April 11, 2017: Smith endorses Seth Rich conspiracy theory
March 31, 2017: Smith endorses Seth Rich conspiracy theory
August 17, 2016: Smith endorses Seth Rich conspiracy theory
August 9, 2016: Smith endorses Vince Foster conspiracy theory and a host of other conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton
October 22, 2012: Smith agrees that ecoli tainted beef could be used to feed 'the hungry'